
Enrollment Process 

Our Requirements
Tutoring Service
The Interview Process
Our Courses

1. Our Requirements

Come in with your Diploma/Transcript or Equivalency and your New York State ID to register in person.

  1. Take a placement test to get started and join us for an interview so that we get to know your goals, desires, and program choice.
  2. After acceptance, be willing to attend Orientation and commit to our Attendance Policy and other program enrollment guidelines.
  3. Review our “Setting Expectation” to understand your commitment to the training program and our commitment to you.

Placement Test:

Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST):  The questions on this test focus on basic to intermediate English and Math skills.  Each test is 20 minutes long, with 50 questions in English and 45 in Math.

YES Workforce is committed to helping you succeed. Courses are only taught in English. Learners must have a high school diploma or equivalency. In general, we know that:

  1. Adults who last attended school 10+ years ago may need help returning.
  2. Using the test, we can provide a one-to-one tutor for you if needed.
  3. Scores should be above 7th-grade levels in English and Math.
  4. After participating in tutoring, you can retake the test if needed.
image of checking the boxes.
image of tutoring

2.Tutoring Services

Our mission is to give job seekers a second chance at success.

Gain confidence, enhance employability, and strengthen character with one-to-one tutoring. Tutoring is private and not in a classroom. Our tutor will help you develop a plan to achieve your basic English and Math goals.

 In exchange for your active participation, we will retest you for the vocational training program of your choice. We take your education seriously at YES Workforce.

3.Interview Process

We know that adults who are coming back to school might have some questions. We’re here to make things really easy for you. That’s why we’re excited to meet you face-to-face and have a conversation with you. This is your chance to tell us what you want to achieve and ask anything you’re curious about regarding our program.

We want to make sure our program is right for you. So, please share your thoughts with us. This talk is important because we want to help you succeed in what you’re studying. You’re not just a number to us – you’re a person with dreams, and we want to hear about them from your perspective so that we can support you through this process.

Here are the top two big reasons we want to meet in person:

Getting to Know Your Dedication: When we see you in person, we can understand how much you’re committed and excited about learning. This helps us find out who’s really serious and likely to do well in the program. Plus, if you need any special help once you’re learning with us, we’ll know how to support you. You’re unique, and we want to know all about you!
Setting Clear Goals Together: Your success is super important to us. When we chat in person, we can tell you all about the program – what you need to do, what you’ll learn, and what you can achieve. It’s a chance for you to ask anything you’re curious about too. This way, everyone knows what’s going on, and there won’t be any confusion. That makes learning even more enjoyable and helps you finish the program feeling great.

We’re looking forward to talking with you and helping you reach your goals!

Man being interviewed by a woman image
A diamond in the middle of the Your Employment Strength Workforce/YES Workforce logo.
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